You might have seen this type of curry at Japanese restaurants in Seattle (below is "Katsu Curry"). A typical curry sauce rather has thick consistency and often times some dairy products such as butter, milk, yogurt and cream can be used to enhance the richness of the sauce.
Now there's a new wave of Japanese curry called "Soup Curry" . It's not quite the same as a curry soup, which refers to a soup with curry flavor. The difference is that in the soup curry, "soup (or soupy)" is used as a qualifier for the curry. So it's still a curry dish.

The curry sauce is very light but presents a strong statement of the variety of different herbs and spices, so the taste is not bland at all as it might look. You can't stop eating rice with the sauce(Warning: It could be very dangerous if you are on a low carb diet).

I made this curry using the curry paste that one of my Japanese friends gave me. You can pick any vegetables of your choice. Eggplants must be excellent for this type of curry.